Théotime Girardot

PhD Student in Mathematical Physics



Laboratoire de Physique et Modélisation des Milieux Condensés
Avenue des Martyrs, 38000 Grenoble

Phone: +33 (0)6 33 53 62 16

Driving License


Laboratoire de Physique et Modélisation des Milieux Condensés
Avenue des Martyrs, 38000 Grenoble

Phone: +33 (0)6 33 53 62 16

Driving License


LPMMC, Grenoble (38)

2019 > 2021

Third year of PhD in mathematical physics.
Work in progress: Semi-classical limit for almost fermionic anyons in a magnetic field.

Article: Average field approximation for almost bosonic anyons in a magnetic field in Journal of Mathematical Physics, 61 (2020).p.071901: arXiv:1910.09310 [math.AP]

Pre-print: Semiclassical limit for almost fermionic anyons: arXiv:2101.04457 [math-ph]

Topics: N-body physics, quantum mecanics, statistical physics, analysis methods.

Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA), Grenoble (38)

2016 > 2018

Master Matière Quantique with honors.

Phase transition, second quantization, field theory, superconductivity, N-body physics.

General relativity, semi conductor, relativistic quantum mechanics, magnetism, atomic and nuclear physics.

2015 > 2016

Bachelor degree in physics.

Diploma of epistemology not achieved (yet).

INP Pagora, Grenoble (38)

2013 > 2014

First year of engineering school.
Topics: chemistry of wood, fluid mechanics, management, high voltage electricity.


Lycée Duhoda, Nîmes (30)

2010 > 2013

Scientific preparatory class PTSI.


Lycée Jean-Baptiste Dumas, Alès (30)

2009 > 2010

Bachelor’s degree, ES option (Engineering Science) and Maths.

Professionnal background

LPMMC, Grenoble (38)

2018 > 2021

PhD with Nicolas Rougerie. Research about anyons in two limits: big number of particles and almost bosonic/fermionic behavior. Exchanges and discussions with other scientifics, seminars, talks, publication.

Two summer schools:

  • ENS, Lyon (69) «Scaling limit in Kinetic theory» (2019)
  • CIRM, Marseille (13) «From Quantum to Classical»

Transversal courses:

  • Job Hunting, how to teach efficiently, zetetics and science communication.

Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA), Grenoble (38)


Teaching algebra and basic analysis to physics students.
Algebra: Linear and bilinear
Analysis: in R and RN


Research internship from March to July with Nicolas Rougerie.
Thesis: De Finetti theorems for bosons in the lowest Landau level.
Immersion in the research activity, seminars and discussions.

LyPhy, Grenoble (38)


Experimental internship under the direction of Philippe Marmottant during three months.
Implementation of an experimental setting, measures and data processing.
I have learned to code in Python and to work in a cleanroom.

Topics: bubbles resonance, fluid mechanics.


Imprimerie Clément, Le Vigan (30)

July > August 2014

Engineering school internship.
Six weeks to discover and to participate to the company operations. manufacturing, cleaning, delivery.



Summers from 2008 until 2016

Recreation center entertainer.
Have worked on stress, team work, organization, social abilities, responsibility of children.




KaleidaGraph, LateX, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, C++,

Visual Basic and Python.

N-body physics, quantum mechanics, statistical physics. Analysis.



Sport: Table tennis, hiking, soccer

Music: guitar player